
Are you successful in your network marketing company? Maybe you have achieved limited success? Maybe you haven’t had any success yet. Whatever the case maybe, I’m going to share with you the 4 stages of success and what to avoid to keep your business alive.

I learnt these 4 stages of success from my mentor, Peter Powderham, who is in the top 1% of the top income earners in the network marketing industry.

MLM Tips: The 4 Stages Of Success

Creativity: Always look for ways to be creative. Once you stop being creative, your business will begin to stagnate and eventually your business will come to a standstill and go nowhere. Keep learning how to be creative and continually look for innovative ways to carry our business building activities such as:

  • prospecting
  • how you market yourself offline and online
  • keeping your team motivated

to name but three.


Analytical: This is where you have had a little success and you give yourself a little pat on the back. This is where you sit back and say, “Let’s have a look at what I have created”. Don’t do this. Don’t sit back at marvel at what you have built. By doing this, you are stopping your growth.


Watch the video below to find out what the last 2 stages of success are:

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Skype: martinrpringle

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Image taken from courtesy of renjith krishnan

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